Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter Warriors

Every year John tries to get whoever he can to go on a New Year's day ride. He usually gets my dad and brother to go with him. This year he could only get my brother Cody to go with him because my dad had to go out on a truck for a little while. John and Cody were so bundled up all you could see was their eyes until they put their sunglasses on. They rode clear to town and back. They were gone a good 45 minutes. When they came back they said their hands were so numb they could hardly turn the throttle. I think you can honestly call these 2 die hard bikers. Now that Christmas is over we are all ready for spring to come so we can start riding again. The girls included!

1 comment:

julie said...

HOLY COW!!!!!! CRAZY boys!....I guess the old saying "boys will be boys" doesn't change as they get older does it?!"