Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ChRisTmaS BaKinG

My sister-in-law and I made Christmas cookies yesterday. We had a ton of fun! I think we are going to make it a tradition and make them every year. Sunday I also helped my mom make fudge and english toffee(my fave!). This is one of my favorite parts of the holidays, getting together with my 2 best friends and making treats! The gingerbread men were a new recipe and were delicious this year. They have orange zest and a lemon squeezed into them. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays as much as us!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Getting Ready for Christmas

A lot has been going on lately. We went to Stewart's Market and saw Santa and Mrs. Clause the 1st part of December. I was so happy this year because Kayden decided to at least stand next to Mrs. Clause and get his picture taken this year. Most of you know that Kayden is a little shy and has not sat on Santa's lap since he was about 2. Riley of course had no problem!
Then Kayden was star of the week at school. We made a poster board with a bunch of pictures of him. He got to be the teacher's helper and cut to the front of the line all week. On Thursday he got to bring something special to school and answer questions from the class. Riley and I got to go watch and tell Kayden's class a little about him. It was a lot of fun. I can't believe how fast my boy is growing!
Today was Riley's Christmas program at preschool. He was such a cute little reindeer!! It was a bitter sweet moment for me because Riley is my baby and he is growing up so fast, but on the other hand it is so fun to watch my baby grow up. He is becoming such a big boy!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So I'm sure you all have heard all kinds of things that are going on with us lately. Well there is plenty going on and I thought I would just give you an update in case anyone has any questions. I am having a hysterectomy on Nov. 11th. I will be down for 6 weeks. I am hoping to be up and around faster than that. It should be about the same as when I had the boys and I was always up and around within a couple weeks.
Monday night we found out that we have to be out of our house in 30 days because our landlady's son is moving back to Utah. I had a little bit of a panic attack because I am having surgery in 2 weeks, so that means I want to have to have everything packed and ready to go in 2 weeks. After calming down I realized I can do this-I just might be calling everyone to help! I will let you know when we decide where we will be living. In the mean time, wish us luck!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bear Lake Ride

Our anniversary is coming up and John is going to be working so we decided to go for a motorcycle trip a couple weeks early. When everyone heard we were going to Bear Lake they all thought it sounded like fun. We have tons of fun with my parents, brother and sister in law. So we said let's all go! We left Friday night when everyone was off work and headed up to Manilla to stay at the cabins in the KOA. On the way up we got caught in a thunderstorm, but it wasn't to bad. Saturday morning we got up and headed for Fort Bridger. We toured the fort and museum. Then we headed to Garden City, UT (a little town by Bear Lake). We only had one tiny thunderstorm on the way. When we got to the KOA and got our cabins all set we decided to head to town and have a famous raspberry shake. YUM! Then we stopped at the store and got steak, chicken, salad, and french bread and headed back to the cabins to make dinner over the fire. We had a great relaxing night visiting and joking. Then Sunday we woke up and headed home through Kemmerer, WY. We got Lindsey home just in time to go work the night shift! We all decided that we wished we had one more day so we could have explored a little more. But then that gives us another reason to go back next year, right?!

Friday, September 11, 2009

1st Day of Preschool

Riley started preschool on wednesday. So sad for mom, he's my baby and I'm not quite ready to let go yet. Needless to say he had a great time and keeps asking me when he can go without me. He's very excited for monday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1st Day Of School

This year Kayden is in 1st grade. I can't believe he's that old! Last year we had a bit of struggle with school, Kayden had a hard time going and the first week he cried every day. Finally I bribed him with a reward if he could go to school for a few days without crying and that seemed to do the trick. This year was a different story, and honestly I had a harder time than him. I told him I would take him his 1st day and he told me that he didn't want me to take him, he wanted to ride the bus. I was proud of him for being so big but a little crushed that he didn't need me. So I compromised and met him at his class. When he got there, he said "See mom, I told you I could do it!". He had a great 1st day and was happy he got to ride the bus to and from school this year and eat lunch at school. He really loves his teacher this year and I think that helps. I'm so proud of my big boy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Weight Family Reunion 2009

We had a lot of fun at the reunion this year!! The boys loved the rope swing and playing in the water. Riley even went down the water slide with his dad. We stayed the night in our tent and the boys thought it was great!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Naughty Little Boys!!

Today the boys wanted to run through the sprinklers when I got home from work and I told them why don't we wait until tomorrow....apparently they had their own idea and did it anyways. Boys will be boys right, and honestly I had to laugh and of course they didn't get in trouble.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Riley got a slip-n-slide for his birthday from Grandma and Grandpa. The boys have had a lot of fun with that!They have also had swimming lessons this year, which they really loved. Next year hopefully they won't be sick and we can get in 2 sessions instead of 1!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

PlayDough Cookies

Here's the recipe everyone wanted. It only makes 2 dozen, so I always double it:
3/4 Cup Butter, Softened
3 oz Cream Cheese
1 Cup Sugar
1 Egg
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract(I like almond)
2 3/4 Cups Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
Assorted Paste Food Coloring
In bowl cream butter, cream cheese, and sugar until fluffy. Add egg and vanilla-beat until smooth. In a medium bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture. Stir until soft dough forms. Divide into fourths. Tint each with a different food color. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 350. Take a small piece of each color and make a 3/4 inch ball. Shape into a 12 inch long roll and coil to make a 2 3/4 inch round cookie. (as you can tell I just kind of do any size that i come up with-not to particular)
Bake for 8 minutes. Do not over bake.
You can also place sucker stick in each cookie before baking to make cookie suckers.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Catching Up!

Things have been crazy around here!! Both boys have been really sick with pneumonia. They are finally getting better with a second round of antibiotics for both. We have paid $120 in just office co-pays(not counting prescriptions and chest x-rays), thank heavens for insurance! John has been working a lot. He has only had 1 Sunday off every 2 weeks. This is his first full weekend off in 3 months. To top it off our computer was bogged down with a lot of spyware and I finally broke down and took it to Vernal to have it fixed. Hopefully things will get on track around here. In the next couple weeks we are looking forward to starting swimming lessons that have been moved back a couple times and taking the boys camping around the 24th to our favorite camping spot Paradise.

4th of July

The 4th of July was uneventful this year. John was working and the boys had pneumonia, so we just took it easy. But that night we went to my mom and dads for dinner and fireworks. After dinner we played some lawn games. When it was dark the boys played with sparklers and we did fireworks. We had fun just being together-which we always do.

Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays

Mom's birthday is June 23 and Riley's is June 24. We usually celebrate them together. So we had a combined birthday party. This year we did it at my mom and dad's-they have a really big patio and outdoor table that seats all of us. Mom and Riley decided they wanted chicken sopa, spanish rice, and fresh fruit for their dinner. It turned out great!! Then we had cake and presents. We had a lot of fun!!
Mom-my mom is the greatest. She and I are best friends and do everything together. She is the best grandma. My boys love to be with her. When they are with us and we are shopping or something they both always want to hold grandma's hands not mine. I think it's great that the boys love her so much. Love ya Mom!!

Riley-he is such a little character. I can't believe that my baby is 4 and starting preschool this year. He is our family clown. He is easy going and always goes with the flow. Unless he and Kayden are fighting(which is frequent). But they are also the best of friends. We love this little guy a ton!

Bryce Motorcycle Trip

We left for Bryce Canyon on June 16. It was a Wednesday morning and overcast(as you know how the weather was in June). It was very cold over Indian Canyon. We were hoping that we would make it before it rained or snowed and we were lucky and did. We actually made it clear to Salina before it rained. When we got to Salina we made it to a gas station to wait it out. When we thought it had cleared, we jumped back on the bikes and headed out to the freeway. The road was very wet and the semis were drenching us. Then the wind started blowing and we could see rain clouds ahead. We jumped off the freeway just past Richfield in a small town called Joseph. Again we stopped at a little gas station and waited-it looked like it would be all right. So back on the bikes(decided we would stay off the freeway). We were about 30 miles out of Panguitch when we could see a gray curtain in front of us, we ran into that gray curtain and were drenched. Of course we had rain gear, in our saddle bags. We were soaked and pulled over to the side of the road because we couldn't see any more and there was too much water on the road. We were freezing and soaked!!! We decided that it wasn't going to get any better and to push on-we went about a mile up the road and there was an abandoned old gas station that we took cover under. Finally it looked like it had cleared up a little. We pushed on to Cannonville-about 14 miles past Bryce National Park to our Kamper Kabin at the KOA. We were so glad to get there and get some warm clothes and our feet dry(mostly John's-his were soaked).

That night we thought we would just buy some groceries from the store at the KOA and eat in the campground. Talk about expensive!! We thought easy and quick and got chili and hot dogs. By the time we got cups, plates, forks, paper towels, cheese, drinks, ice, disposable coolers, charcoal, and chips we had spent $70!!!!! All I have to say is OMG. But I promise you that was the best chili dogs we had ever ate-we were starving and still chilled from our long ride.

The next day it was still stormy looking and we were a little saddle sore so we decided to just take it easy and go to this place we saw called the Wildlife Museum. It was awesome!! I suggest you go there if you ever go to Bryce. We bought the boys cute little stuffed wolves. Afterwards we decided we were hungry and went to this little cafe/restaurant called The Pines. They had pretty good food, but for dessert we had their pie and it was AWESOME!! Mom and I had our favorite coconut cream. Dad had sour cream raisin and John had boysenberry. It was the best part of the meal. Afterwards we decided to go to this little grocery store in Tropic and buy stuff for dinner in the campground again. We got new york steaks, salad, and french bread. It was delicious. Of course we had to have a campfire too.

The next day was our last day and we went into Bryce Canyon. It was some pretty awesome sights! We didn't see everything-but we kind of do that on purpose so we have something new to see when we go back one day soon. I think next time we are going to take the boys-it would be a fun vacation for them(in the truck of course). Again we decided to make dinner at the campground and we decided on rib eyes, salad, and french bread again. We definitely got our fill of red meat. Again we had another campfire.

The next morning when we woke up and it was raining and time to go home. This time we were smarter and put on our rain gear from the beginning-we were still cold but it was easier to handle when we were dry. My dad took us home by Fish lake. It was really really pretty. We went over 2 passes that were over 10,000 ft and one over 9,000 ft. Probably why we were so cold. It rained the whole way home. My dad says we have earned our stripes and are die hard bikers. Maybe he's right! We had a blast!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ShARk BoY!!

Kayden has had a loose tooth for a few months now and about a month ago we noticed that his permanent tooth has grown in behind his baby tooth. Wasn't to worried and told him that he just had to really wiggle his baby tooth. But guess what?? The tooth next to the permanent is coming in too. So now he has 2 teeth behind his baby teeth. Of course this has to happen on my child that hates to go to the doctor or dentist. I am also guessing that braces will be in his near future. Tried to get a pic but wasn't very clear-you will just have to see it in person! I always tease him that he is a shark and John teases him that he is a cone head-he takes it well!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Good Way To Start The Summer!!

We have had a lot of fun the last 2 weekends!! We have been doing one of my favorite things-FISHING! The last Saturday in May we went to Steineker-the weather was way nice and we caught a ton of fish. Then last Saturday we went to Flaming Gorge. The fish weren't biting as well but Kayden caught a fish on grandpa's pole(about 3 lbs) Then he caught one on his little cars pole(about 2 1/2lbs) It was getting late and we decided it was time to go. Riley started crying because he hadn't caught a fish-so thanks to grandma, she helped him catch a little small mouth bass on his cars fishing pole. I think this is the best way to start the summer-on the boat!! Looking forward to many more fun weekends!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pictures of Our FUN Trip in May

I finally got all the pictures developed and touched up the way I wanted them. We had a great time and saw some crazy things in Grand Junction, Co. Planning on going again next May!

Friday, May 29, 2009

May-What a Month!!

May was a month of ups and downs for us. We have been fairly healthy all winter. Kayden had only missed one day of school until the month of May, then he brought home a pretty bad cold. His only lasted a few days and then he was on the mend. Unfortunately he passed his cold on to Riley. Riley's turned into the awful, dreaded strep throat. Of coarse this always happens on the weekend when there are no doctors. So after noticing he had an awful rash and a very high fever on a Saturday night, John and I decided that I should take him to the emergency room. The doctor took one look at him and said yep this is definitely strep throat and we don't even have to do a strep test. So after a shot of penicillin we were sent home. That stuff is amazing!! He felt better the next day. Unfortunately John and I did not. He had shared his strep throat with us. So the doctor kindly prescribed us some amoxicillin. Then a few days later my dad his little episode, so consequently I did not finish my antibiotics. Of coarse my strep throat turned into really bad strep throat. When I went to the doctor he asked if I felt alright and I said I felt a little shaky. My pulse was 126 for some reason. Two days later I wound up in the ER. I felt really awful and shaky-my pulse was 144. For some reason my heart was racing. They don't know if it was caused by dehydration, stress, the medicine they had given me, or the combination of it all. After some fluids and some medicine to calm my nerves they sent me home.

The next day after I insisted we left on the motorcycle to Grand Junction, Co with my parents and little brother. We stayed in a little cabin at a KOA. It was really fun. We went over the Grand Mesa the first day and it was 9000 ft-there was still about 4-5 feet of snow and a little chilly, but really awesome. Then we came into a little town called Cedar Ridge, there we went to a winery and had a tasting-it was fun. Then we went to a distillery and had another tasting and had a tour. I think John really enjoyed this one. Then we went back to Junction to this place that had been on the Food Network channel and had Chicago style pizza. The next day we went to the Colorado National Monument. I was really surprised how big and pretty it was. After our tour we stopped at a another winery and did another tasting. Then we went to the Texas Road House for a great steak dinner!!. We had fun and it was nice to relax. John and I really enjoy our long weekends together without the kids every once in a while-but after about 4 days we miss the kids and are ready to come home. The boys had a great time staying with Uncle Cody and Aunt Lindsey. We are planning another trip around June 17 to go to Bryce Canyon. We are planning to leave the boys again for another 4 day weekend. Any volunteer babysitters??
I still have to get my pictures developed, cause I don't dare take my digital camera on the motorcycle, so we get disposable. When I do I will post pics.

Just when I thought things were getting back to normal I woke up Wednesday morning with a really bad pain in my lower right side of my stomach and back. Went to the doctor and at first they thought it was my appendix-so glad it wasn't. Come to find out I had a ruptured cyst. Very Painful!! So fun to be a girl. To top things off John came home Thursday with the stomach flu, so we were sick together. Now we are both on the mend. Hopefully next month there will be no more illness around here!! I don't think I can handle any more medical bills. J/K

Kayden finished his last day of Kindergarten today-bittersweet for mom!! This fall will be really sad for me-Kayden will be in first grade and Riley will be in preschool. Can't believe my boys are growing up so fast. Sometimes I wish I could slow time down a little. On the other hand the boys are a lot of fun the older they get. We do tons of fun stuff together and I am looking forward to a memorable summer!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mom-Happy Mother's Day!

I would just like to take a minute and say I have the best mom in the world!! She is my best friend. We do everything together and I am glad that we have such a special relationship. She has been the best example to me and is always there when I have a ton of questions about my own family-she gives the best advice. When I am having a bad day-she is always there to make it better and to give me hug. I'm a blessed girl to have parents like mine. I love you mom!!

Crazy Weekend

So this weekend was a little crazy around here. I went to Walmart with my parents and my dad said he felt like his blood sugar had dropped and was going to get something to eat. About 5 minutes later we heard a crash and someone saying to call 911. My mom and I thought one of us should check it out, I went around the corner and saw that it was my dad and he had passed out. Luckily he was OK and had to stay the night at the hospital for observation. They are thinking it wasn't his blood sugar but maybe he has a irregular heart beat(arrhythmia). So far he's doing great-he just gets to have a bunch of tests now to see why he passed out.

So after all this scariness I would like to tell my dad that I love him tons and he means the world to me. I am thankful for everything my dad does and glad that we are so close. He's the best dad and grandpa!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

No more BRACES!!

I am so excited that I got my braces off finally!! Only problem is that I hate this retainer. Hopefully I won't have to wear it for 24 hrs a day for long. So if your wondering why I am talking funny-it's just the retainer. Will post pics when I get some of my great smile!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Adventures

We were going to go on a motorcycle trip to Moab in May-but almost everyone backed out but my mom and dad and us, so the condo we rented was going to cost us a ton-so we cancelled our trip there. But we have made new plans for that time we took off in May and I think I am really excited!! We are going to Grand Junction, Co. They have tons to see and do around there. But the adventure is that we are not going to be staying in a motel or a condo this time. We are buying sleeping bags and are going to stay in one of those little cabins you see in the KOA camp grounds. They are really cheap and we figure if we can ruff it a little then we will be able to take quite a few trips this year. In June we are renting one near Bryce Canyon and will be going there for a few days. It will be tons of fun, except we have to pack everything on the motorcycle, so that means packing light, but I like adventure and to travel. There is nothing like traveling on a motorcycle and enjoying the sights and you wouldn't believe the smells-I love how you can smell flowers, water, and trees. When you go by a field that is irrigating/watering you can feel the humidity and it gets a little cooler-feels great in the summer and gives you goose bumps in the spring. So watch for my post in May about our trip and see how well we did as pioneers j/k.