Saturday, January 15, 2011

Living Room Makeover

Last weekend I decided I was tired of the ugly walls in my living room. All the walls were a weird beige-pink color except the wall with the windows it was a barn red color. On top of that there was a bunch of holes and chips in the walls and missing pieces of floor trim.
So I had Thursday and Friday off and John had the weekend off. Thursday morning when John was getting ready to leave for work I told him that I wanted to paint the living room this weekend because he was off. He told me that I might as well start that day. Of course I did not let grass grow under my feet :). It took us Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to finish it. I love it! I went to get the paint at Lowe's and the lady said, "You want black for the trim?" She acted kind of disgusted by it. But it looks so clean and classy I love it. The walls are cream soda, the trim cracked pepper, and the ceiling white. I couldn't believe how bright and open it made the room look. It look wonderful and now I can't wait to finish the rest of the upstairs(Hopefully in the next couple weeks)

1 comment:

suelyn w said...

I love the color, it looks awesome!