Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday Road Trip

Saturday morning John and his brother Lee left on their motorcycles to meet their dad, brother, and nephew at Lake Powell. They thought it would be fun to meet up with them and spend the night. Sunday morning around 6:50 I got a text from John wondering if I wanted to go on a road trip. I asked him why and he said it was pouring and the wind was blowing. I looked out the window and saw that it was snowing here. So I called my brother and we borrowed a trailer and drove clear down to Lake Powell to rescue them. Then we drove straight home-talk about a long day in the truck! Needless to say everyone is home safe, happy, and dry.


julie said...

WOW....that looks like my worst nightmare, or at least a really bad dream!!! Glad you are home safe and sound!

suelyn w said...

I don't know why but that really made me laugh. Long road trip for you. I want to know if the boys got to come home with those cute orange 4-wheelers!